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In Admiration of Music

DALI is a premium residential loudspeaker manufacturer from Denmark with over 35 years of experience of manufacturing high-performance loudspeakers. Born from the market need for a variety of size, shape, performance and price in audio speakers, they’ve spent the last three decades perfecting what the market now expects as the standard in audio technology; a clean, natural sound with a viable price tag.

DALI speakers feature advanced SMC technology (Advanced Soft Magnetic Compound technology) which reduces sound colouration, giving the audience the perception the artist is present in the room.

DALI’s subwoofers were designed in-house by their skilled development team. They’ve built the latest generation of wood fibre cones. All models have been through their new cone impregnation process and coated in their innovative post-assembly coating.

The hybrid tweeter module is a DALI trademark and combines the dome tweeter with the ribbon tweeter from the RUBICON series to perfectly render the high frequencies.

DALI’s speakers boast extremely low signal loss from their custom-built drivers. They’re able to tailor an exact crossover that ensures signal loss is close to zero.


DALI loudspeakers provide a wider dispersion of sound in any given environment and deliver crisp and level audio with their integrated speaker systems. With premium frequency response, audio reaches every ear in the room regardless of where listeners are seated. 


35 years of technological development has bred a sophisticated sound with a sense of 3-dimensional listening. Often, listeners can’t identify the source of where the audio comes from, creating a true sense of surround sound for the audience.


DALI’s Quality Management System sets an extremely high standard during the development and manufacturing process of all models. Every piece of equipment that leaves the warehouse is guaranteed to be built, stored and delivered having been thoroughly tested acoustically and visually.

DALI loudspeaker offers something for everyone; from the cost-effective SPEKTOR series to the commercial-grade sound and quality of the EPICON 8. With over one million customers spanning across 70 countries, DALI continues to research new technologies and develop leading-edge equipment for passionate audiophiles.

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