
GB Labs

Centralised Storage Solutions

GB Labs are renowned for their design and innovation of centralised storage solutions for the broadcast and media industries. They pioneered and perfected SSD shared storage, also inventing a hybrid disk technology that fast-tracks media workflows.

GB Labs extensive range of storage and archiving products work from ingest to archive and everything in between. Their solutions are easily scalable in both capacity and performance, with minimal downtime.

The Core operating system (COS)

Sitting at the heart of all GB Labs systems the COS is purpose built for every project to deliver class-leading sustained performance and a feature rich toolset, tailor made for the demands of modern file based workflows.

  • Fast - No drivers to install
  • Easy to own – No License required
  • Expandable - Mac, PC, Linux and mixed OS workgroups can work collaboratively for greater efficiency and creativity, while safe in the knowledge that critical assets are suitably protected.
  • Scalability offers a ‘buy as you grow’ approach to extend your system as required.
  • Feature rich toolset


In demanding high resolution environments and massive HD workgroups, such as leading broadcasters, VFX houses and post facilities, GB Labs’ highly optimised SSD-based Tier 0 systems are the solution the industry has been looking for.

  • Incredibly fast sustained data rates
  • Support for the largest heavy duty workgroups
  • Unparalleled multi-stream 4K, 8K and DPX performance
  • Virtually maintenance-free operation
  • Learn more about Tier 0

Super Tier 1 – Space

Space has redefined network attached storage (NAS), making it the true successor to the topologies used in fibre channel and iSCSI shared storage. Traditionally, SAN technologies are known to be complex to install, difficult to maintain, have poor scalability and need a high level of support.

Space overcomes these issues while delivering unprecedented levels of performance and scalability.

  • Unparalleled Super Tier 1 performance, tested to deliver in real-world environments
  • Supports mixed OS connections, with no client software or drivers required
  • Scalable performance: go from HD to 4K and beyond
  • Massively scalable capacity with dynamic expansion
  • Cloud and remote data replication
  • Learn more about Super Tier 1


FastNAS is an exciting concept in shared storage technology. A high performance single unit with unique hybrid disk technology and Core 3 OS Lite. This highly efficient OS allows for full use of all the components, giving the best translation from disk to network, resulting in an unrivalled user experience of real world performance.

  • Big tier 1 NAS performance, tested to deliver in real world environments
  • Built for media usage, great for everything else
  • Nitro Hybrid Boost SSD and HDD technology available
  • Fast installation and setup with user friendly web interface
  • Comprehensive Global support options
  • Works in mixed OS environments, with no client software or drivers required
  • Powerful features, including Cloud and remote data replication
  • Learn more about Tier 1


GB Labs’ Echo nearline systems have the scale and performance to allow users to browse and retrieve high resolution video files and media projects, to be re-edited, re-purposed or played out to air. Because of its speed, Echo nearline helps manage tier 1 platforms by quickly offloading completed projects onto lower cost archive storage, ready to be restored effortlessly back to online storage.

Unlike object-based technology which lacks network performance, GB Labs’ Echo nearline systems run at high speed, vital for broadcasters or post houses working to tight deadlines. As Echo can sustain multiple streams of HD video, it can even stand in as a backup online platform in the event of central storage downtime.

Learn more about Tier 2


LTO tape is the ideal back-up, archiving and delivery medium. Low-cost, high capacity, secure and fast, it is considered the gold standard throughout the broadcast, film and post production world. It is used for securing, storing and transporting the most valuable media files, video projects and completed productions. Unlike any other media, LTO tape is very well suited to the three core duties of routine file and project backup/restore; disaster recovery; long-term media archiving.

  • Up-to 6TB per tape with projects able to span multiple media
  • Perfect for creating off-site insurance copies
  • The de facto standard for inter-facility transport
  • 300MB/s data rates for LTO-7 / 160MB/s data rates for LTO-6
  • Far safer than external drives
  • More cost-effective than nearline
  • Faster and more versatile than cloud storage
  • Highly energy efficient
  • 30-year shelf life - guaranteed

Learn more about Tier 3

Fast Nas
4k duo onset