
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

The Board of Ambertech Limited is committed to ensuring that its corporate governance policies and practices meet high levels of disclosure and compliance. The company references the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations and our directors are committed to the ethical pursuit of our shareholders’ best interests, the enhancement of shareholder value and the protection of shareholders’ funds.

The current version of these policies, and a summary are outlined below.  They are periodically reviewed to ensure they continue to reflect local and international developments and promote high standards of transparency.

Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter

Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter

Click to download a copy of the latest version of the Ambertech Limited Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter. Reissued September 2021. Download (599.8 KB PDF)
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Securities Trading Policy

Securities Trading Policy

Click to download a copy of the current version of the Ambertech Limited Securities Trading Policy.  New version released September 2021. Download (677.1 KB PDF)
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Continuous Disclosure and Communications Policy

Continuous Disclosure and Communications Policy

Click to download a copy of the current version of the Ambertech Limited Continuous Disclosure and Communications Policy. Reissued September 2021. Download (657.6 KB PDF)
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